The Pointless Waymarks Geo Tools is a Windows Desktop application to help with:
- GeoTagging from a GPX File
- GeoTagging from Garmin Connect
- Downloading GPX Files from Garmin Connect
- Creating Tags based on Locations such as National Parks, National Forests and Wilderness Areas
This set of functions can be useful in managing and using your location/Garmin/GPX data to add metadata to your photographs (or other supported files).
Pointless Waymarks GeoTools Installer Downloads
GeoTagging from GPX Files
Use one or more GPX files to GeoTag Files.
GeoTagging from Garmin Connect
Garmin Connect is probably the longest lived full featured FREE option for syncing, storing and viewing your GPS data online! If you already have your activities in Garmin Connect this program can GeoTag Photographs by using activities in your Garmin account.
Feature Intersect Tagging
It can be useful, interesting, and sometimes important, to understand where a photograph was taken. In the US land designations (National Parks, Wilderness, State Trust Land, County Parks...), boundaries and managing agencies can be complex to determine - and to remember.
This program can compare the location of a photograph with PAD-US data and other GeoJson files to automatically create tags for public lands.
You will have to download and setup data for this program to use - this takes some work and setup but only has to be done once and makes the data available fully offline!
The program contains help and instructions for getting and setting up the data. Brief notes about the three basic data sources that can be used are below - see the help in the program for more information.
The PAD-US may be all you need inside the USA to get a good selection of tags about the type and ownership of the land you are on. From the USGS PAD-US Data Overview:
PAD-US is America’s official national inventory of U.S. terrestrial and marine protected areas that are dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. PAD-US also includes the best available aggregation of federal land and marine areas provided directly by managing agencies, coordinated through the Federal Geographic Data Committee Federal Lands Working Group.
GeoJson Reference Files
GeoJson files are available for a large number of boundaries - from administrative to scientific and more! Some examples:
- USDA Forest Service FSGeodata Clearinghouse - FSGeodata Clearinghouse
- National Park Service
- State Land Departments - In some western states State Land, or State Trust Land, is an important land ownership category - for Arizona: AZGeo Data
- GIS and GPS Downloadable Data - Wilderness Connect
- Census Mapping Files - great for US state and county data
Your Own GeoJson Files!
It is likely that there are local names, landmarks of personal significance and regions of specific interest that you might want tags for but that don't - and will not ever - appear in any published data... In some cases one simple solution is to just create your own reference GeoJson files for the program to use! You will need to make sure to create data that the program to read - but is a pretty easy way to get started...
Garmin Connect Download
The Garmin Connect Download makes it easy to download an Activity and GPX file from your account to an Archive Directory on the local system. In addition the interface has some limited search and filter capabilities to make finding what you want easier.